Interior of 酒厂 with copper pot and column stills


Building Your Distillery — Conceptual Development & 项目计划


如果你读过我们的博客系列如何建立一个酿酒厂,你可能有一个很好的, 从简单的餐巾纸草图到精制烈酒生产升级项目所需步骤的高级概述. 但是今天, 让我们深入了解概念开发和规划的细节和重要性, 尽早了解你的目标将如何为你今后的成功奠定基础.

项目目标 & kpi

我们希望通过设定目标和“定义”成功来开始规划我们的新设施. The first question to ask yourself (if you haven’t already) is: “Why?”

问自己“为什么??乍一看似乎是一个愚蠢的问题,但这是你构建一切的基础. Think of it as a mission statement. 也许你只是想增加某种产品的产量——或者多种产品. You may desire a greater emphasis on an enjoyable tourist experience. 也许你希望获得某种级别的LEED认证. 如果你不能回答“为什么??,” the project will lack direction at its core and suffer in the end.

当你制定你的目标时,围绕你的项目的热情和能量就会随之增长! Everyone is excited to be involved in the creation of something new! 哦吼! 虽然这种能量对团队来说是伟大的,但它可能会损害你的项目. 许多团队在获得创意后会说:“如果我们拥有…….或者“既然我们在做这件事。, we might as well…” and when this happens, it’s important to pull in the reins, 退一步, 深呼吸. 这一切还可行吗? Do these new ideas fall in line with our original goals? 明确你不打算做什么和你打算做什么一样重要.

定义您将要做的事情的另一个重要原因是,通过使用关键绩效指标来帮助度量项目的健康状况和整体成功, 或kpi. Quantitative data such as preliminary production & 分布估计, 里程碑计划日期, 或ROM预算, 都能帮上忙吗, but following the 3M Principle (Meaningful, 可衡量的, and Manageable) should help shape your project’s specific kpi.


While honing and refining your high-level project goals, it’s important to begin developing your process design. 澳门足彩app’s John Rezsonya, AIA, talks about this a bit in 他的文章, but it’s worth emphasizing these ideas in this space as well. 您从生产角度设定的目标将帮助您确定启动工艺设计所需的设备,并启动初步的工艺流程图(PFD)开发.

在这个阶段也应该考虑到控制和与设备的接口-如果你计划自动化你的过程, 在详细开发工厂架构之前,需要仔细考虑一些复杂性.

And while it may not be the sexiest thing in your plant, don’t neglect your utility design – from water and steam supply, 压缩空气, to natural gas or even thermal oil, they all play a part in running your process and cannot be overlooked.

当pfd开始成形, 您将开始更好地了解所有这些设备将占用的空间. 初步的布局图将帮助您采取PFD,并在其位置上放置每个部件, 也能帮你计算出你的建筑需要的面积. 你可不想把10磅的蒸馏设备装进5磅的大楼里!

在概念开发中采取这些步骤将有助于描绘项目成功的画面,并在您继续完成流程需求时为详细设计铺平道路, as well as setting guidelines to manage the project against.


For more information, contact 澳门足彩app’s 啤酒、葡萄酒 & 烈酒事业部负责人 安东尼•白.

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in 体系结构, 工程, 建筑(AEC)和咨询解决方案,以确保全球复杂资本项目的确定性结果. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. With 20+ office locations around the globe, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

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